Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Basic routine infographic poster

 StartBodyweight poster

To download the Start Bodyweight basic routine infographic, with all 8 bodyweight progressions and an overview of the routine, click here.

You can also download the  PDF version here.


  1. This is amazing, thank you!

  2. Yes thank you. You have been an invaluable source of information and a great motivation for me to begin a bodyweight progression program. You rock. If you ever compile it all into book format I'll be the first to get it. Thanks again and hope you keep it up.

  3. Excellent! Thank you very much!

  4. This will be invaluable in solitary.

  5. Nick,

    Love the color coding.

  6. Hi, I was wondering if I could add some running to this routine, which I've been following for a month and a half. I did some 400/800m related stuff, don't really fancy anything over 5k. What your suggestions would be?
    I have to thank you, because there's abundance of tutorials and stuff, but when it comes to planning, very little content can be found online. You provided a great plan, thorough explanations, in a nice way.

    1. Yes, in many ways a bodyweight routine will complement middle distance running in a nice way (working towards a one leg squat in particular will help you prevent injuries - particularly achilles tendonitis). Programming wise, I would just do the routine on your off days.

  7. I don't see any lower back exercise in this.
    Are you sure you don't want to add bridges?

    1. Bridges are a nice way to increase your flexibility, but as a posterior chain exercise, their usefulness in terms of strength development is very limited. Which is why I recommend deadlifts if you have access to a barbell.

    2. Could you recommend some kettlebell exercises instead? I have no access to a barbell, but I've got an 8kg and an 18kg kettlebells. Will goblet squats/kettlebell deadlifts do?

    3. Kettlebell swings when done right hit the lower back. You can also dead lift the kettlebells. Some body weight exercises that hit the lower back are supermans (lie on the ground with feet and arms extended like you are superman flying and then lift your arms, chest, legs and butt off the ground at the same time.) and reverse leg lifts (where you are on a bench on your stomach with your legs extending off and then lift your legs with straight knees from the ground to just above parallel.) You can do sets of these or just do a static hold in the up position for certain amounts of time.


    4. If limited by total weight, try one legged or kickstand deadlifts instead. You won't need 300+ lbs. In fact, I do about 1.5x BW 5 x 5 of standard DL, but do more like 1/4 BW per hand 1 leg DL 5 x 8 max.

    5. I'm not an expert, but I disagree on the bridges. I think they are a useful addition. I've found that they do hit the back well, and even the butt and thigh, which I was surprised by. It also does a little training of the arms/shoulders similar to a handstand pushup. They must be doing something right if they can make me as sore as they do.

  8. Love this workout, but I have a quick question. Why renegade pistols before intermediate shrimps? I have balance issues from sports injuries and pistols are killing me, but shrimps were much easier.

  9. Hey! I know this is something you have heard before but, I would like to say that you are a very inspirational individual and I cannot begin to explain the gratitude I have as your website here has shown me what I can really do if I put my mind to it. I'm not really skilled and I can't say I can do even close to half the exercises but your progression have not only given myself a little more pep in my step, but also save tons of money without paying for memberships, trainers etc... The fact that you take time to show people like me a new way of working out and NOT charging me for self improvement, makes me realize that we need more people like you! All in all, Thank you for being that helping hand for people like me!

  10. I find this workout very complete and motivating ! Last year I tried a workout with dumbbells but I found it quite boring. I have a few questions :
    1) Which exercise builds up biceps?
    2) For pull ups, is there a difference if your palms face the bar or yourself?
    3) What does "eccentric" mean in various exercises (for example "eccentric pull ups")?

    Thank you !

    1. 1 Most of them a bit... I can't imagine doing one arm pull-ups without strong biceps though. Lots of people overemphasise the biceps because they are easy to show off.

      2 Yes! In pull ups palms face away from you. In chin ups, they face towards you.

      3 only do the (second or downward) portion of the exercise - the part where the muscles you are focusing on lengthen.
      Eccentric pull-ups mean jumping up, using a chair, whatever, then using your arms to lower yourself in a controlled manner.

    2. Thank you !

  11. I love the poster and want to purchase from Zazzle. I went to the Zazzle site but did not see the poster? What am I missing? Many thanks in advance.

    1. I don't know... it's there... Maybe the site was down.

  12. Do you guys plan on making it bigger and better? I can barely see anything in there.

    1. Just download it using the link provided, and read the rest of the site for description of the exercises

  13. I love the workout and really want to make a mobile app for users to follow along with. I was wondering if you could grant me permission to use your images of from the infographic in the app?

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Ryan,

      Shoot me an email at


  14. Very helpful, seriously, thanks!

  15. What is the best bicep exercise to incorporate in this workout? Or do the other exercises help my biceps, because I feel like it is not enough.

  16. What are some bicep workouts?

    1. I would say chin ups are very good at targeting the bis

    2. This is perfect. I have been trying to work up to doing a muscle up, L sits, Dragon Flags and handstands for almost a month with little progress. I started getting discouraged and then I found this! This will save me a lot of frustration and make my goals achievable! I am wonder though if you could do a planche progression? it seems like it could be built off of the double elbow levers maybe?


  17. The download link for .pdf version does not seem to work.

  18. This is the link

  19. Use code/coupon ZAZFORTYSALE to get 40% off, just tested it today. Not sure how long it will still be valid.

  20. Eso son las canteras, al lao del auditorio!!!! fuerte loco ta!!!

  21. Bought it from zazzle, really valuable! Best fitness investment ever!
