
Simple dynamic warm up

Here's a 10 min, simple dynamic warm up you can easily do at home.

Below is a quick description (where needed) of each of the exercises:

Run on the spot or skip rope for 5 min

5 x shoulder rotations
5 x arm raises
5 x torso rotations
5 x chest expansions, palms facing upwards
5 x neck rotations
5 x hip rotations (on each leg)
Standing in a staggered stance, bring your back knee up in front of you, then to the side, before lowering your leg back down in the starting position
5 x reverse hip rotations (on each leg)
Reverse the previous motion by first bringing your back knee up to your side, then rotating your upper leg until your knee is in front of you before bringing it back down to the starting position.
5 x front leg raises (on each leg)
Bring your leg up to your outstretched hand. This should be a controled leg raise, rather than a swinging motion.

NEXT: Start Bodyweight exercise progressions


  1. Thank you for all your efforts on this; really the best full-body all-in bodyweight work out available, and for free. I've been doing boydweight666 for four months now and I love the constant progression to exercises I'd never held possible, gaining muscle along the way. As I'm into more difficult exercises now, I'm wondering to what extent I should hang on to the warm-up sets described in your previous program bodyweight666. Do you think they still have surplus value given the general warm-up or are they more or less obsolete (also taking time considerations into account)? Thanks!

    1. Hi Albert, I wouldn't worry too much about warm up sets if you have done the dynamic warm up described here. That said, everyone is unique, and you might feel you benefit from them, in which case go for it. I personally don't anymore.

  2. Is there any downside to decreasing the amount of time between sets? Mainly I am looking to save time and I've done a bit of reading about HIIT workouts but not too much. Do you lose strength gains if you reduce rest times to 30s? I wouldn't go less than that but I could save about 10 min from the workout if it could be reduced from 60s to 30s. Thanks in advance for your response. This is a really great website - I love the progressions - slowly working through them.

    1. Yes, you will limit your strength gains. One minute is already not optimal for strength (3+ min are usually recommended).

  3. Best free program on the internet , thank you my friend you changed lifes , hope you're doing good

  4. Hi,

    doing ten minutes of static cycle is enough for some pullups , 30x2 pushup series and 30 triple burpess?
    i recommend you to see this presentation. he is the founder of Spartan Race and a ultrarunner. he talks about oneday he met a guy in a jail prison who look like a bad beast. this convict tell him that the only thing he do is 1000 burpess a day.
    thanks for sharing all this interesting information. Cheers

  5. Hey man,

    First of all, thank you very much for the effort you have put into this program!

    Second, I was wondering whether you've considered adding the warming up and static stretching exercises to your poster, as to have all the information handy in one place.


  6. This website and these workouts are absolutely great! Thank you very much for all your wonderful work.

  7. Is the running or jump rope special, or would any vigorous cardio work in their place for the warmup?

  8. What if you're exhausted just after the warmup?

  9. If you're exhausted after the warmup, try a couple of minutes of brisk walking in your house afterwards to get your heart rate down some, before commencing the strength training. Don't stop moving though.

    If you still cannot do the workout after your heart rate has come down, then do just the warmup everyday. After a week or two you will have adapted to the warmup, so you can add on the training.

    The basic rule is to build everything gradually. If something is simply too hard at first, find a way to make it simpler. Gradually work your way back up until you can do it.
